
講師 Lecturers

黎家傑博士 Dr. LAI Ka Kit







黎先生乃 Kunst EXA Academy的課程總監,現任瑞士歐洲研究院 (European Graduate School) 表達藝術治療碩士班及博士班的講師、實習和論文督導、香港大學表達藝術治療碩士課程的前榮譽講師。他亦是表達藝術治療國際聯網 (連繫世界各地如北美洲、拉丁美洲、歐洲及中東的表達藝術治療教育者) 的認證成員。他有超過二十年整合創意工業、藝術、藝術教育、治療 與生活的經驗。


自 1991 年開始,黎先生於不同單位擔任攝影師/電影製作人和執行創作總監(Global),他的作品於歐美亞等地獲 得多個獎項。他於 1998 年協助香港政府向 50 多間學校推廣創意藝術教育。自 2003 年至今,他專注於將表達藝術和治療/諮詢結合,服務不同的非牟利機構和商業機構。透過藝術創作,讓人與人的心靈世界互動更豐富,生活世界更圓融。作為資深註冊表達藝術治療師和註冊藝術治療師、專業輔導員協會的副院士,黎先生在 歐洲、美加和泛亞地區如中國、俄羅斯、柬埔寨等運用表達藝術治療模式服務兒童、青少年、長者及精神復康人士。

周雪甄女士 Ms. CHAU Suet Yan (Cat)


澳洲註冊音樂治療師 (RMT)

諾多夫.羅賓斯音樂治療師 (NRMT)

分娩音樂治療師 (MTACB)

腦神經音樂治療師 (NMT)







周姑娘先後畢業於 University of Tasmania 及香港理工大學取得社會工作學士及高級文憑。自1997年起從事長者及精神康復服務,隨後卦澳洲進修並於 University of Western Sydney 取得 Master of Creative Music Therapy 。



鍾家寶女士 Ms. Chung Ka-po, Phoebe




香港舞蹈動作治療協會主席 (2022-2024)


美國萊斯利大學(Lesley University )臨床心理輔導及舞蹈 / 動作治療碩士




Phoebe相信身心有自癒能力,舞動能帶來身心療癒,以重啟對生命的盼望和熱情; 致力推廣社區精神健康,期待看見服務使用者每次與內在自我的相遇,為彼此生命無限的可能性而雀躍。過去與多間社福機構和特殊教育中心、學校、教會合作提供職員培訓;為特殊學習需要兒童及家屬,情緒困擾成人及兒童提供個人及小組舞蹈/動作治療服務。

黃愷弘先生 Mr. WONG Hoi Wan, Hugo





Hugo的服務對象包括受情緒、創傷及壓力困擾的成人及兒童 (如喪親、情緒病患、受家暴影響)、癌症患者、智障人士、腦退化症患者、特殊教育需要的學童及其照顧者,亦為不同機構提供音樂治療體驗工作坊。他深信我們都可以透過音樂、聲音連接自己與別人的內心情感,增加表達的可能性,比起單單語言,能在另一個層次更有效地減壓、抒發及探索自己。

周偉豪先生 Mr. CHOW Wai Ho, Chris (Assistant Lecturer)

表達藝術治療師 (IDEC®)
註冊心理輔導員 (HKPCA)
作者 (青少年心理學書籍)


瑞士歐洲研究院(European Graduate School)表達藝術治療副修心理學碩士畢業,國際認可表達藝術治療師(IDEC®)。 中國神學研究院婚姻與家庭輔導碩士。泰氏性格分析(T-JTA)認證執行師。國際社和富家庭學院「自我區分量表」中文版 (C-DSI) 認證執行師。




周氏是《內向者的空間爭奪戰》(2020,第九屆金書奬,非學術類:最佳新晉作者)、《輔中有道:心理輔導與基督教信仰的整合》(2020,合著)、《無朋友》(2016,合著)和《改寫未來的9種生存力》(2015,合著)的作者,曾在求職雜誌Job Market 和 AM730 撰寫有關個人成長和90後職場生涯的文章。

學術顧問 Academic Advisors

Prof. Margo Fuchs Knill


Founding faculty member & Dean of the Division of Arts, Health and Society at the European Graduate School EGS.

Former Ass. Professor at Lesley University, Cambridge, MA.

Psychotherapist ASP since 1995

Registered poetry therapist

Mentor supervisor RPT as of 1993

Certified Expressive Arts therapist

Licensed mental health counselor since 1992


Margo Fuchs Knill works in private practice and teaches internationally at cooperating universities, as well as partner institutes in Europe, Russia, USA, Latin America, India, Turkey, China Hong Kong.

Prof. José Miguel Calderon

Co-founder of TAE Peru/ Barcelona Institute.

Director of the PhD program in Expressive Arts of the European Graduate School, Switzerland.


His doctoral dissertation was titled Tinkuy: The Encounter between Expressive Arts Therapy and Peruvian Imaginary.  He has received a master’s degree in theoretical psychoanalytic studies at University College London.

Degree in clinical psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru.

Therapist and expressive arts supervisor.

He has led several community projects. His interest is focused on Arts Based Research and on the exploration of movement and creative writing.

客席講師 Guest Faculty

Prof. Shaun McNiff

Professor at Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts

Previous president of the American Art Therapy Association and an Honorary Life Member

Shaun McNiff is an internationally recognized figure in the areas of the arts and healing and creativity enhancement, and the author of many books that include Art Heals, Trust the Process, Art as Medicine and Creating with Others. He established the first Expressive Arts Therapy graduate training program at Lesley University from which the discipline of Expressive Arts Therapy emerged.

Prof. Stephen K. Levine

Paul Celan Chair of Philosophy and Poietics in the Arts, Health and Society Division of the European Graduate School EGS

Dean of the Doctoral Program in Expressive Arts in European Graduate School


Stephen’s early training was in Eastern thought, particularly Buddhism and Taoism, at the University of Pennsylvania. He went on to a rigorous education in Western philosophy at the Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research in New York, where he studied with Hans Jonas and Aron Gurwitsch in particular, themselves students of Martin Heidegger and Edmund Husserl respectively, the founders of phenomenological philosophy. Levine’s dissertation, on Heidegger’s philosophy of art, received the New School dissertation prize in 1967. He later completed a second doctorate in Anthropology at the New School under the supervision of Stanley Diamond, with a thesis on Rousseau’s dialectical anthropology.