
表達藝術結合了不同的藝術媒介,包括視覺藝術、舞動、戲劇、音樂、寫作和其他的創意手法,深化個人成長和社區發展。我們致力結合不同亞太地區(包括 南韓、台灣、日本、馬來西亞、泰國、新加坡、印度、土耳其、俄羅斯、新西蘭等)的表達藝術治療教育工作者和機構,以下是亞洲網絡中的重要成員:

Expressive Arts combines different art media, including visual arts, dance, drama, music, writing, and other creative techniques, to deepen personal growth and community development. We are committed to bringing together expressive arts therapists and institutions across the Asia-Pacific region. Here are some of the key members of our Asian network:


香港 Hong Kong – Kunst EXA Academy / Kunst EXA Training & Consulting
印度 India – Expressive Arts India – International Training
南韓 South Korea – Poiesis Expressive Arts Institute
土耳其 Turkey – Beyaz Keci, Expressive Arts Institute in Istanbul