
Music and Senses Seminar

Workshop & Lecture

Speakers & Artists

Registration & Fee


日期 Date:16-17/11/2019 (Sat & Sun)

時間 Time:9:30am – 6:30pm

地點 Venue:香港兆基創意書院 HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity


Workshop: Sing a New Song and Tune in to Life: The Theory of Practice of Intermodal Expressive Arts Therapy

帶領者 Facilitators:Dr. Paolo KnillDr. Margo Fuchs Knill


低技術高敏感度 (Knill, Barba, Fuchs 2004) 是多元表達藝術治療理論中其中一個重要的手法,讓即使沒有受過藝術訓練的大眾也可以體驗音樂和詩詞世界的美。我們將運用一連串低技術的手法去進行多元表達藝術創作,並保持高敏感度,讓音樂的初形及詩詞的意象慢慢浮現。在探索的過程中,參與者將重新發現其創作的活力。




Low skill – high sensitivity (Knill, Barba, Fuchs 2004) is a method that makes it possible that a layperson can also experience music and poetry. We will do intermodal expressive arts work with a low range of skills and at the same time a high sensitivity towards the musical material to be shaped and the poetic product emerging. Participants will reach a sense of liveliness as they discover their capacity to tune in.


In this workshop, the pioneers introduce the basic concepts by studio work and reflection. We will do a demonstration session and learn from the immediate intermodal expressive arts work in theory and practice.


名額 Quota:50人

語言 Language:英語(不設翻譯)English (No translation provided)


帶領者 Facilitators:Dr. Paolo KnillDr. Margo Fuchs Knill




感知互動表達藝術及「去中心化」(decentering) 的概念讓人在藝術創作中,離開問題核心,以及對問題的慣性回應,藝術擔起第三者的角色,與我們一起面對困難,賦予改變的能力。在藝術創作中,人能脫離真實世界的嚴峻處境,重獲新發現的空間。




At times, we might feel caught in our own routines, habits, thoughts, or feel inhibited. Changes in our lives can be liberating, and also chaining.  Somebody or something needs to be the rescuer. We need a third to break out from the dual relationship between me and me.


The intermodal expressive arts and its decentering concept allow to become one’s own emancipator with the help of the arts. The arts enter as a third the relationship with our difficulty and empower our own rescuer. We literally forget the dire straight situation in favor of the creative act. This forgetting for a moment is liberating, and leaves new space for something else to enter.


In this lecture and discussion, the pioneers introduce the basic concepts of intermodal expressive arts, such as decentering and the substitution model referring to its liberating aspect in conflict solution, personal and professional development, and processes of change.


名額 Quota:50人
語言 Language:英語 English(不設翻譯)